———— Placing order guide————


如何安装一键包裹添加功能(只限 Goole chrome)& 提交包裹?


Placing order turtorial

1) Go to " My order".

2) first you have to submit parcel first, fill up all the detail.

3) After fill up all the detail, click " submit parcel".


After submit all the parcel, now you can place order. Refer to picture below, added parcel will show in parcel ( red highlight box)

4) Choose warehouse - China airfreight- Malaysia

5) Tick the parcel you wish to submit for this order. Please note that, system will determine your shipment as sensitive, if you have
 tick the sensitive parcel even though there are many normal parcel.



6) After tick the parcel you wish to submit for this order, then you can choose the other service( if any), or ignore this part.

7) Add new address, billing address for billing purpose(Invoice), receiver address for receive purpose.

8) After added your address, please make sure you have tick both billing & received address or else you cannot choose the courier service for next step.

9) Choose the courier you want.

10) Please key in if there is any remark, and now you can proceed to submit order. Is there is any inquiry please do not hesitate to chat with our customer service through live chat( right bottom corver).